
Warrenton Board of Aldermen approves tabled pool measure, liquor licenses at May 7 meeting

By Jack Underwood, Staff Writer
Posted 5/16/24

They also awarded a pair of bids for the first phase of Booneslick Road sidewalk improvements.

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Warrenton Board of Aldermen approves tabled pool measure, liquor licenses at May 7 meeting


One of the first orders of business for the Warrenton Aldermen in their May 7 meeting was to address regulations regarding the location of outdoor pools. The measure was originally considered at the April 16 meeting although there were concerns with the language. 

Alderman Scott Schulze was the one who originally pointed out the discrepancy, the original ordinance referred to the required distance between any outdoor pools or coinciding equipment to any property line. 

The clarification ensured that the measure would apply to any rear or side property line and passed unanimously. 

The board also approved two liquor licenses for the upcoming fall festival to the On The Rocks Beverage Co. and Small Batch Winery. 

Bids were awarded to several contractors for the planned improvements to the first phase   Booneslick Road sidewalk improvements. The first phase will include improvements to the sidewalks on Booneslick Road from Thurman to Dryden along with a section of North East Street south of Booneslick. 

The first of those bids was awarded to Cole Engineering for construction administration in the amount of $31,000. Cole Engineering had also gone out to bid for the project. 

The low bid received by Cole Engineering was from TS Banze Construction, Inc. for $298,893.25. This was the lowest of the four bids by just over $100,000. 

City Administrator Brandie Walters took time to mention that the city-wide cleanup day was coming on May 18 from 8 a.m. to noon at the Warren County Fairgrounds. 

She and Mayor Eric Schlueter were also pleased to report a significant number of city employees attended a seminar on their updated benefits package after the changes were made at an earlier board meeting. 

“It went really well,” Walters said. “We actually ended up with probably about three quarters of our employees attending that.”

She also made mention of the ongoing water project that is also being carried out along Booneslick Road and Main Street. She said the purpose of the project was to create a loop in the city’s water system and although there had been some crews working on grading, the work was not yet completed. 

Mayor Eric Schlueter asked Public Works Director Guy Gevers if he had any timeline for the project’s completion. Gevers felt they were nearing completion but could not commit to a specific time due to complications from weather. 

“We’re not months away from it being done?” Schlueter asked. 

“No, unless it continues to do what it’s doing now,” responded Gevers. 

The board also received the March 2024 financial report from Finance Officer Meghan Waelder who was pleased to report plenty of increases in department revenues due to permit fees and sales taxes. 

“We’re seeing a slight increase in sales tax yet again, we’re $50,000 above budget in the general fund, $14,000 on the transportation fund and $32,000 on the interchange fund,” Waelder said. 

Warrenton, Booneslick, Pools