LOCAL focus. LOCAL news.

The Warren County Record is Warren County's No. 1 news source with a distribution of approximately 3,100. A new edition is published every Thursday and available at several local businesses, as well as many mail boxes throughout the county and region.
The Record was founded in 1896 and was purchased by former editor Tim Schmidt and his company, Westplex Media Group, in October 2019 from The Missourian Publishing Company. Over the years, The Record has won numerous state awards for general excellence, writing, photography and advertising.
The Record staff strives to give our readers what they can't get anywhere else, providing local, accurate editorial and advertising content with integrity. We uphold our reputation as the trusted news authority for Warren County. Our staff is proud to cover and be a part of this community.

Contact Information

Address: 103 E. Booneslick, Warrenton, MO 63383

Phone: (636) 456-6397

Fax: (636) 456-6150

Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
