
Warrenton board holds public hearings on water, sewer rate increases

By Jack Underwood, Staff Writer
Posted 12/28/24

The Warrenton Board of Aldermen held two public hearings regarding increases to rates for water and sewer services provided by the city at their Dec. 17 meeting. 

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Warrenton board holds public hearings on water, sewer rate increases


The Warrenton Board of Aldermen held two public hearings regarding increases to rates for water and sewer services provided by the city at their Dec. 17 meeting. 

There was no public comment at either of the hearings and the decision to increase rates will come to the board at one of their upcoming meetings. 

The rate increases are planned, and are being put in place to help the city keep up with rising maintenance costs, and bond payments for a $13 million bond that voters authorized in the city to make improvements to the wastewater treatment plant, according to Finance Director Meghan Waelder. 

This will be the third rate increase in as many years after the city previously passed rate increases in July 2022 and 2023. Each rate increase has been roughly 4%, which Waelder said was enough to keep up with bond payments. She emphasized that the city was trying to keep the rate increases gradual so they did not place an unnecessary burden on citizens. 

Sewer Rates

The rates for sewer services provided by the city are divided into several categories, each of which would see increases under the proposed changes. 

Warrenton and Truesdale residential rates:

  • Up to 1,000 gallons per month: Current rate, $14; proposed rate, $14.56
  • Over 1,000 gallons per month: Current rate, $5.07 per 1,000 gallons; proposed rate, $5.27 per $1,000 gallons

Warrenton industrial and commercial rates:

  • Up to 1,000 gallons per month: Current rate, $14.88; proposed rate, $15.48
  • Over 1,000 gallons per month: Current rate, $5.27 per 1,000 gallons; proposed rate: $5.48 per 1,000 gallons

Residential customers outside city limits:

  • Up to 1,000 gallons per month: Current rate, $28; proposed rate $29.12
  • Over 1,000 gallons per month: Current rate, $10.14 per 1,000 gallons; proposed rate, $10.54 per 1,000 gallons

Industrial and commercial customers outside city limits:

  • Up to 1,000 gallons per month: Current rate, $29.73; proposed rate, $30.92
  • Over 1,000 gallons per month: Current rate, $10.46 per 1,000 gallons; proposed rate, $10.88 per 1,000 gallons

No meter customers inside city limits:

  • Current rate, $38.14; proposed rate, $39.66

No meter customers outside city limits:

  • Current rate, $49.34; proposed rate, $51.31

Under the proposed changes, industrial and commercial users would also see changes to the rates for biochemical oxygen demand, or how much oxygen is required to break down organic material in wastewater. 

Water rates

Water rates are divided into several similar categories, although they are not exactly the same. 

The proposed increases to water rates are as follows. 

Warrenton residential customers

  • 1,000 gallon minimum: Current rate, $8.55; proposed rate $8.89
  • All over 1,000 gallons: Current rate, $5.52 per 1,000 gallons; proposed rate, $5.74 per 1,000 gallons

Warrenton industrial and commercial

  • 1,000 gallon minimum: Current rate, $14.64; proposed rate, $15.22
  • All over 1,000 gallons: Current rate, $5.87 per 1,000 gallons; proposed rate $6.11 per 1,000 gallons

Residential customers outside city limits

  • 1,000 gallon minimum: Current rate, $27.24; proposed rate, $28.33
  • All over 1,000 gallons: Current rate, $11.67; proposed rate, $12.14 per 1,000 gallons

Industrial and commercial customers outside city limits

  • 1,000 gallon minimum: Current rate, $28.66; proposed rate, $29.81
  • All over 1,000 gallons: Current rate, $12.35 per 1,000 gallons; proposed rate, $12.85 per 1,000 gallons

Once they are approved by the board, those rate increases will be effective Feb. 1, 2025.

Warrenton, Utility Rates