
Warrenton approves tax rate for 2024

By Jack Underwood, Staff Writer
Posted 8/29/24

The Warrenton Board of Aldermen approved the city's tax rate for the upcoming year.

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Warrenton approves tax rate for 2024


Warrenton will levy taxes at a rate of $0.2930 per $100 of assessed value with an additional $.1735 per $100 of assessed value for the establishment and maintenance of the city’s parks. 

This brings Warrenton’s total tax rate in 2024 to $0.4665 per $100 of assessed value. 

That decision was made following a public hearing at the Aug. 20 Warrenton Board of Aldermen meeting. There were no comments at the public hearing and the measure passed unanimously, with Alderman Steven Cullom absent. 

The rate will be a marginal increase from the 2023 rate, when the city levied $0.2877 per $100 of assessed value plus an additional $0.1703 per $100 of assessed value for the parks department totaling $0.4580 per $100 of assessed value. 

This represents an increase of just under one cent per $100 of assessed value. 

The city also saw an increase of roughly $2.5 million in valuation between real estate and personal property in 2024 according to preliminary numbers from the Warren County Assessor’s office. 

Just over $2.1 million of that increase came in real estate while roughly $400,000 came from increases in personal property. 

This brings Warrenton’s initial valuation from the assessor’s office to nearly $139 million dollars. With the newly passed tax levy Warrenton expects to raise just over $650,000 in taxes this year. 

These rates are based on initial valuations from the Warren County Assessor and subject to change when final valuations are provided. 

Warrenton, Tax Rate