
Public hearings scheduled for second Improve I-70 construction project from Warrenton to Wentzville

Open House Public Hearing on Feb. 3 in Warrenton and Feb. 6 in Wentzville

Posted 1/26/25

The public is invited to public hearings regarding the Improve I-70: Warrenton to Wentzville project from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 3, in Warrenton.

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Public hearings scheduled for second Improve I-70 construction project from Warrenton to Wentzville

Open House Public Hearing on Feb. 3 in Warrenton and Feb. 6 in Wentzville


The public is invited to public hearings regarding the Improve I-70: Warrenton to Wentzville project from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 3, in Warrenton, and from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 6, in Wentzville. This is the second construction project in MoDOT’s Statewide Improve I-70 Program and will add a third lane of travel in each direction to Interstate 70 from Warrenton to Wentzville. The Warrenton to Wentzville project includes the Improve I-70 funding and additional legislatively designated General Revenue funding. It also includes previously allocated funds in the state’s program for other I-70 and I-64 projects for a total contract cost of $600 million.

These meetings will highlight the basic design plans, construction phasing, schedule, and other detailed information about the project. Construction is expected to start in Spring 2025 and be completed by late 2028.

The open house-style hearings will provide the opportunity for nearby residents, businesses, and travelers to learn about and provide comments regarding the planned improvements. No formal presentation will be made. The public can attend the meetings any time between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. The information will be the same at each meeting location. Engineers from the Missouri Department of Transportation and the Improve 70 Alliance contractor team of Emery Sapp and Sons, Clarkson Construction, HNTB, and Bartlett and West will be on hand to answer questions.

Written and recorded oral statements and exhibits can be submitted at the hearing. People can also review materials and make comments on the project website beginning on Monday, Feb. 3, at www.modot.org/improvei70/warrentonwentzville All comments must be received by Thursday, March 6.

The meeting details and locations are:

  • Monday, Feb. 3, 2025, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Warrenton High School Commons Area located at 803 Pinckney St. Warrenton, MO 63383.
  • Thursday, Feb. 6, 2025, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Progress Park Recreation Center located at 968 Meyer Rd. Wentzville, MO 63385.

The planned improvements from contractor team includes:

  • Constructing a third lane in each direction on I-70 from Warrenton to I-64 in Wentzville, including replacing the existing I-70 lanes with new full-depth concrete pavement.
  • Interchange improvements at I-70 and the I-64/Route 61 interchange.
  • Interchange and outer road improvements in Foristell, Wright City, Warrenton, and at Route Z.
  • Realignment at the railroad bridge on I-70 between Wentzville Parkway and Route Z.
  • Addition of a third lane of travel to eastbound and westbound I-64 between I-70 and Route K.
  • The team has also committed to keeping two lanes of travel open on I-70 in both directions during peak travel times.


Missouri’s FY2024 budget from the General Assembly signed into law by Governor Parson provides $2.8 billion in General Revenue for the costs to build a third lane of I-70 across the state. The program will plan, design, construct, reconstruct, rehabilitate, and add a third lane in each direction on nearly 200 miles of I-70, from Blue Springs to Wentzville.

At the public hearing, MoDOT will also have displays regarding bridge and interchange improvements planned at Exit 188, Routes A and B, and Exit 183, Routes E and Y at Jonesburg.  The improvements at these locations were funded through MoDOT’s Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) prior to receiving the I-70 General Revenue funds.  The projects are anticipated to be awarded in March 2025 with construction occurring in 2025 and 2026.

People with disabilities who require special services or other reasonable accommodations at the public hearing should notify Project Communications Coordinator Lairyn McGregor at 816-607-2152 by Monday, Jan. 27, so arrangements for those services can be made.

For more information, call MoDOT at 888-ASK-MODOT (275-6636) or visit www.modot.org. To receive the latest statewide news and text alerts, signup for e-updates.

I-70, Public Hearings