Warren County

MDC Landowner Forest and Woodland Workshop May 24 in Warren County

Posted 5/12/24

The Missouri Department of Conservations will host a landowner forest and woodland workshop in Warren County May 24.

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Warren County

MDC Landowner Forest and Woodland Workshop May 24 in Warren County


Landowners and property managers will be able to take the mystery out of managing their stands of forests and woodlands, thanks to the Missouri Department of Conservation. Healthy forests and woodlands benefit everything from trees and songbirds to streams and wildlife. 

MDC is sponsoring a Forest and Woodland Workshop in Warren County that will take place Friday, May 24 from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on private land south of Warrenton. The workshop includes an onsite tour. 

This workshop will highlight different management options available to maximize the wildlife potential in forest and woodland habitats in private land. Stops on the site tour will highlight restoration activities that have occurred on the property. Multiple management practices will also be discussed. The workshop will take a deep dive into use of prescribed fire, woodland restoration, timber stand improvement, developing wildlife habitat and more. 

Participants should note that part of this workshop will include hikes through steep and rugged hills to view various timber management projects, so attendees should plan accordingly, wear appropriate clothing, sturdy footwear, and bring water. Bringing a folding chair will also be required. 

The Forest and Woodland Workshop is free and includes lunch. Participants must register online in advance at http://short.mdc.mo.gov/46n. Deadline for registration is May 15 and attendance is limited to 30. Directions to the field site will be emailed after registration. 

MDC, Forestry