Warren County

Community Emergency Response Team Program Implementation

Shelter Operations and Management training to be conducted

Posted 9/2/24

The Warren County Emergency Management Agency is proud to announce the revitalization of the Community Emergency Response Team Program.

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Warren County

Community Emergency Response Team Program Implementation

Shelter Operations and Management training to be conducted


The Warren County Emergency Management Agency is proud to announce the revitalization of the Community Emergency Response Team program, with an initial goal of enhancing shelter operations and management capacity within the county. 

To many people, the term “shelter” often creates a mental image of a facility dedicated to long-term occupancy for people displaced by a disaster. Yet it can also be a warming center, or a cooling center, or a facility designated for shorter-term occupancy during events like extended power outages or a snow/ice storm that strands motorists. The Shelter Operations and Management Team will be trained to support any of these models. 

This initial Shelter Operations and Management training, conducted by the Warren County EMA, will be followed up at a later date with formal shelter operations training provided by the American Red Cross, with an overarching goal of establishing multiple Red Cross certified shelters in Warren County. We have facilities that can be used as shelters, we have supplies and materials and we have people interested and willing to help their communities. This is part of the process to bring those elements together. 

Training will take place at the Warren County Emergency Operations and Training Center at the dates and times listed below. If you are interested in becoming a CERT volunteer with the Shelter Operations and Management Group, please email Warren County EMA Director Jim Sharp at jsharp@warrrencountymo.org with our name, the group you represent (if you are not part of a group, you are still more than welcome) and what class you would like to attend. 

  • Monday, Sept. 23, 9-11 a.m.
  • Monday, Sept. 23, 6-8 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Sept. 24, 9-11 a.m.
EMA, Shelter Training