
Birch Tree man charged in connection to stolen firearms in Warren County

Posted 1/23/25

A Birch Tree man was charged with one count of second-degree burglary, one county of stealing a firearm, one count of stealing $750 or more and one count of unlawful possession of a firearm, all felonies.

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Birch Tree man charged in connection to stolen firearms in Warren County


On Dec. 30, Wright City police officers were dispacted for a report of a residential burglary. The victim stated two firearms and a hunting bag were stolen from his bedroom with an estimated value of $1,276, according to the probable cause statement filed by Wright City Police Detective James Holmes. 

On Jan. 9, Holmes was informed by the Warren County Sheriff's Department that one of the firearms had been located by the LeadsOnline investigative tool at Wentzville Pawn and Gun and identified the seller as suspect two. 

On Jan. 15, Holmes and the victim went to the pawn shop to retrieve one of the firearms and review security footage. When reviewing security footage, the victim recognized one of the vehicles, which belonged to his co-worker, Jeremiah Hugg, 46, of Birch Tree. 

According to the probable cause statement, the security footage showed Hugg and suspect two, who was unidentified, entering the pawn shop and selling one of the firearms. 

Officers also reviewed security footage from the home of witness two, who lived nearby the site of the burglary, and Hugg's vehicle was present in the area at the time of the break-in. 

The victim further state Hugg resided near his home and would have known where the firearms were. 

According to the probable cause statement, Hugg also has two prior felony convictions in Missouri. 

Hugg was charged with one count of second-degree burglary, one fount of stealing a firearm, one count of stealing $750 or more and one count of unlawful possession of a firearm, all felonies. 

A warrant was issued for his arrest and he is out on bond with special conditions. 

Warren County, Burglary