
Wright City R-II approves 2024 tax rate

By Kelly Bowen, Staff Writer
Posted 8/31/24

The Wright City R-II School Board has approved its 2024 tax rate.

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Wright City R-II approves 2024 tax rate


As a commitment to the community, the Wright City R-II School Board of Education approved a tax rate of $4.45 on Aug. 22, which is the same tax rate that was set last year. 

Wright City’s Business Manager Veronica Klaus presented the board with the tax rate hearing. There was little to no change in the incidental fund and debt service numbers. 

The general fund (incidental) went up from $3.23 to $3.24 per $100. The debt service fund changed from $1.01 to $1 per $100 to make a proposed tax rate of $4.45. 

Capital projects remained the same at 21 cents. Klaus made sure to note that the teachers fund is at zero due to state revenue that goes into that fund. In addition, they can also do transfers from the incidental fund to put into the teacher fund if applicable. 

Klaus also presented the total assessed valuation, which increased over the last year. The assessed value includes three types of real estate and personal property values. 

Last year, the assessed value was $294,065,756. Now, it is estimated to be $306,507,309, which is a 4.23% increase in value. 

Wright City R-II, Tax Rate