
Warren County R-III adopts new Continuous School Improvement Plan

Kelly Bowen, Staff Writer
Posted 1/16/25

The Warren County R-III Board of Education recently amended a new CSIP (Continuous School Improvement Plan) that will be implemented by the 2025-26 school year. The new plan will also be used for the 2026-27 and 2027-28 school years.

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Warren County R-III adopts new Continuous School Improvement Plan


The Warren County R-III Board of Education recently amended a new Continuous School Improvement Plan that will be implemented by the 2025-26 school year. The new plan will also be used for the 2026-27 and 2027-28 school years. 

The CSIP plan came from a committee consisting of 36 people, ranging from school board members, building administrators, teachers, parents, high school students, community members and more. 

The committee met beforehand to review the old CSIP and collect data. Then, the group broke into groups to develop the district’s goals. 

The new CSIP consists of five different focus areas with action steps. These focus groups are student achievement, behavior and safety of students, school culture and climate, parent and community engagement and facilities and financial growth. Within those five focus groups are 17 goals the district is hoping to meet at various times within the next three fiscal years. 

Several of the goals that were not met with the district’s old CSIP will continue to remain in the new CSIP with either minor or no tweaks. In general, these include goals to increase A+ eligibility and members, have 75% of students from grades in Kindergarten through eighth grade on or above reading grade level, decrease discipline referrals, retain 90% of its staff annually and create an academic platform for parents to hold their students accountable. 

Some of the new goals the district will strive to meet include increasing or maintaining five out of eight math courses to at least meet or exceed state MAP index scores, maintaining fund balances to be at or above 25%, opening the new elementary school by Aug. 2027, monitoring class sizes at the middle school and high school. 

The district also hopes to raise pay and be within 5% for classified positions when compared to the top five entry-level employees in Warren County. In the old CSIP, Warren County strived to have starting salary and hourly wages to be the same or higher compared to Wright City R-II. However, this goal was not met. 

The district will look to also increase further communication with parents and the community itself. By May 2028, R-III is hoping to implement a new district website which will embed social media posts and communicate viewers to a functional app. They will also continue to live broadcast as many school-sponsored events as possible.

Warren County R-III, CSIP