Preserve Tapes, Movie Film, Slides And Photos

By NAPS, North American Precis Syndicate
Posted 2/6/12

(NAPSI)—Produce isn’t the only perishable in your home—memories are at risk, as well. With the introduction of new cameras and photo services every year, taking proper precaution and care of …

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Preserve Tapes, Movie Film, Slides And Photos

(NAPSI)—Produce isn’t the only perishable in your home—memories are at risk, as well. With the introduction of new cameras and photo services every year, taking proper precaution and care of your growing collection of videos, photographs and slides is key to treasuring these captured moments forever. Rest assured—resources abound for digitally preserving your memories to make them last. Revisit your nostalgia and read on to get started: 1. Convert your tapes before they deteriorate—for VHS and most camcorder tape formats, color and sharpness can be lost within just a few years. 2. Wow your loved ones by pulling together old photos, images and videos into personalized DVDs—a great gift for any occasion. 3. Ship images and videos directly to sites such as YesVideo’s Memory Safe service that transfers, protects and hosts your memories for sharing with friends and family. 4. Visit the photo station at CVS, Costco, Sam’s Club, Walgreens, Ritz Camera, Walmart or Rite Aid to drop off your tapes, movie film reels, and photos for digital conversion. Promotions abound during the winter shopping season, so watch out for nearby sales. 5. Recycle your old electronics—Most cities offer safe, sustainable recycling stations for equipment. Check listings for a location nearby. Converting digital media can be a tricky thing—but be sure to preserve your memories before it’s too late. For more tips and tricks on how to keep your old photo and video memories alive, visit   On the Net:North American Precis Syndicate(NAPSI)

You can preserve your memories before it’s too late. (NAPS)