Online retailers get favoritism

Posted 11/7/19

Why does Missouri give online retailers a sales tax break? Why the favorite status for online retailers? Missouri’s small retailers have to collect the sales taxes. Why doesn’t Missouri collect …

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Online retailers get favoritism


Why does Missouri give online retailers a sales tax break? Why the favorite status for online retailers? Missouri’s small retailers have to collect the sales taxes. Why doesn’t Missouri collect sales taxes from online retailers?The U.S. Supreme Court over a year ago said states could force online retailers to collect sales taxes. There are 45 states that collect sales taxes and all but Missouri and Florida levy sales taxes on online sales. These online retailers have their headquarters in distant places and do nothing for our state. Why are they favored over Missouri retailers?Why are members of the General Assembly favoring these online retailers to the detriment of our retailers? Why hasn’t Gov. Mike Parson taken the lead in this issue, which would bring more needed revenue to our state?The situation in Missouri is unfair to our retailers, many of which are struggling to survive.We hear a lot of talk from politicians about wanting to help the little guy in business. This is one issue that would help Missouri’s retailers. There isn’t a valid reason why online retailers are favored over Missouri retailers.Needed: Members of the Legislature who have the interests of Missouri’s retailers at heart and who are willing to take a stand against the big boys — the online retailers whose favored status is hurting our state. If for no other reason, Missouri needs the added revenue for our crumbling infrastructure.