By Cindy Gladden, Record Staff Writer
Imagine carrying more than 200 fertile chicken eggs through TSA bound for Haiti, flying coach. Warren Click, founder of Our Hands His Heart, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, has done it many times.“I always call ahead to let TSA know I’m coming,” he said. “You can’t X-ray the eggs. Most of the time the eggs go through faster than I do. It always causes a stir.”In addition to shipping eggs, he also ships school buses, and on one occasion, helped deliver a boat to Gonave Island, where 300 chickens, ducks, quail and guineas are thriving after hatching under his tutelage.When he is stateside, Click makes Marthasville his home. But he doesn’t stay here much. He will often remain in Haiti for many weeks after a delivery.Click said he has been to many countries and worked with a variety of organizations, but decided he needed to narrow down his focus to one group.Our Hands His Heart was founded in 2015. Click, a retired diesel mechanic and farm boy, found he had lots of skills to offer the people of Haiti.Click said Haitians are needy in just about every way. He tries to fill their needs by showing them how to raise chickens, by installing solar panels to bring electricity to Haitian households and by shipping busloads of supplies to Haiti.“One woman sells ice,” said Click. “It has changed her life. Electricity is huge!”Local farmers are happy to donate eggs to Click. Incubators are broken down and packed in suitcases. When Click arrives, he shows the local Haitians how to hatch the eggs, build chicken coops and keep the flocks thriving.A typical chicken coop costs about $750 to build, which is provided by the organization’s donors.Click is thrilled to know that the people who are raising his chickens are able to collect more than 100 eggs per day.“I’m not a preacher,” he said. “God’s principle of caring for others will work anywhere, anytime. It’s sowing and reaping. How can I help? God has really given me talents to fix stuff.”Click said he doesn’t try to Americanize the Haitians. He just tries to help them see what they can accomplish with a little food, electricity and hope. He said monetary donations really do work well in Haiti and financial contributions from churches and other organizations are welcome.Click said 100 percent of donations are used in Haiti. He uses his own funds for his travel expenses.When school districts sell aging buses, Click purchases them. He may partner with another organization to fill the bus with medical supplies, solar panels, tools or other items he can’t get in Haiti. When a product is available in Haiti, he buys it from local merchants.“I drive the bus to the port, then meet it in Haiti,” he said. “That way we know everything gets where it’s going. The buses then stay there.”Click said he and his volunteers install solar panels and windmills at local orphanages. Electricity brings so much opportunity to the people who are just trying to survive, he noted. The organization is now in the process of fencing all the chicken coops. Hawks and dogs often prey on the chickens.Another way Click is helping is to provide the Haitians with the skills to grow their own food. So far he has helped plant 200 trees, including fig, mango, avocado and coffee trees. He is teaching them to grow their own produce, a skill that is not often seen in Haiti.“I believe in what I’m doing,” he said. “I could stay in the states and make a lot of money, but it’s not what I want to do. We can make a difference there.”Soon Click will purchase his next one-way ticket to Haiti. He has a bus lined up with plans to fill it with everything he can to help the people of Haiti.To learn more about Our Hands His Heart, visit https://www.facebookcom/ourhandshisheart.
Warren Click, founder of “Our Hands His Heart” is shown delivering chicks to Haiti’s Gonave Island where he has supplied at least 300 chickens, ducks, quail and quineas for the people to raise, providing a food source and income.
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Warren Click, founder of “Our Hands His Heart,” an organization that provides help to the people of Haiti, is packing up another donated chick incubator to pack on the next bus bound for the country. Click teaches the Haitians how to raise chickens, ducks, quail and quineas; helps install solar panels and windmills at orphanages; and shows the Haitians how to plant trees and gardens.
Record Photo/Cindy Gladden
For about $750, Warren Click, right, can build a chicken coop with the help of local Haitians, who have learned to hatch out their own chickens with incubators provided by “Our Hands His Heart,” and eggs provided by Marthasville area farmers. Click’s mission is to help the Haitians provide for themselves with the help of the organization.
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