Marthasville City Council Passes Tax Levy

By Janine Davis, Staffwriter
Posted 12/9/13

The Marthasville Board of Aldermen passed the city’s annual tax rate at its August monthly meeting.The board unanimously approved an ordinance establishing a new levy for all real and personal …

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Marthasville City Council Passes Tax Levy


The Marthasville Board of Aldermen passed the city’s annual tax rate at its August monthly meeting.The board unanimously approved an ordinance establishing a new levy for all real and personal property in the city.The measure established the rate of annual taxes to be collected by the city for 2013.A tax of 0.5579 on each $100 of assessed valuation was approved for general revenue, and a rate of 0.1273 for street lighting also was approved. Alderman Jim Struckhoff made the motion to approve the bill into ordinance, which was seconded by Alderwoman Pam Jensen.Marthasville City Council Passes Tax Levy