By Cindy Gladden, Record Staff Writer
Fall temperatures and home-cooked food will tend to draw a crowd.On Sunday, Oct. 7, Immanuels United Church of Christ in Holstein will hold its 50th anniversary chicken dinner on the church grounds and plans to serve at least 1,000 meals beginning at noon.“We’ve always had a church picnic,” said Bernice Painter. “In 1968 we changed it to a family-style chicken dinner. People come from all over on that Sunday.”Prior to getting ready for the chicken dinner, church members and friends gathered Friday, Sept. 21, and Saturday, Sept. 22, to cook apple butter to sell at the upcoming dinner.Volunteers from Marthasville, Treloar, Holstein, Smith Creek, Washington, Warrenton and St. Charles gathered Friday to peel 37 bushels of Jonathan apples in preparation for cooking them on Saturday.Painter said in addition to the tart, but sweet Jonathan apples, the recipe includes sugar, water and cinnamon. Members began at around 6 a.m. The entire process takes eight-nine hours.“It’s cooked until all the lumps are out,” she said. “Then we put in the sugar. It takes about three hours after that.”Church members expect to have 200 quarts and 400 pints available for purchase during the chicken dinner. They have offered the homemade apple butter for 40 years.At least 30 people showed up to man the seven copper kettles set up under the church pavilion. Constant stirring with the large paddles required manpower to change hands occasionally. Another 10 volunteers prepared bean soup in the church kitchen for the workers.Lester Witthaus, 94, was the oldest member stirring apple butter Saturday. He pointed out that he enjoyed seeing all ages man the kettles.“You just keep going as long as you can and hand off to somebody else,” he said.Painter remembers the first few years when the apple butter was cooked on three kettles with wood fires. Now they use gas to fire their kettles.“It’s a lot of work, but it’s a fellowship,” she said.Paul Hellebusch is just one of the many people who will be preparing the chicken for frying. Seasonings are mixed, then 17 cases of chicken are fried beginning at 10:30 on Oct. 7. Also provided on the menu are mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, coleslaw and desserts.“On Saturday we will peel all the potatoes,” he said. “These are real.”Hellebusch said people come to socialize and eat a good meal. Proceeds from the dinner and the sale of apple butter will help fund church activities, such as Vacation Bible School and Sunday school.Immanuels United Church of Christ is located at 17510 Church St. in Holstein.
Lester Witthaus, 94, left, is the oldest volunteer stirring apple butter Saturday, Sept. 22, at Immanuels United Church of Christ in Holstein. The church is preparing for the 50th annual chicken dinner to be held Sunday, Oct. 7, beginning at noon. In the past more than 1,000 meals have been provided. The apple butter will be available for purchase during the dinner.
Record Photo/Cindy Gladden