Construction underway for R-III project

By Derrick Forsythe, Record Staff Writer
Posted 11/7/19

Construction has begun on the Warren County R-III School District’s $10 million upgrade project to its building sites around the area.  Wade Welch, from Hoener and Associates, shared an update …

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Construction underway for R-III project

Construction has begun on the Warren County R-III School District’s $10 million upgrade project to its building sites around the area. Wade Welch, from Hoener and Associates, shared an update with board members during the monthly meeting Thursday, April 13.Work has begun to some degree at every site, with contractors collaborating with district staff to avoid disrupting instruction time.The general contractor, Lamb Construction, has set up at Warrenton High School and currently is working on the groundwork for the new multipurpose gymnasium. Rain delayed work for a short period, but the excavation crew was able to make progress in readying the ground for the next stage of pouring concrete. “Things are off and rolling now,” Superintendent Jim Chandler said. “They got held up a little by weather, but in turn, we’ve been able to get ahead on some other projects, so right now we’re comfortable with where we’re at on time line and pleased with work that’s being done.”Inside the high school the electrical contractor has begun rough-in work for the HVAC upgrades by working second shift after the students have vacated the building for the day.Contractors have been able to move ahead of schedule at Daniel Boone Elementary, focusing on exterior work so interior work can begin immediately once students release for the summer.“They’ve been able to start and make some great progress on the outside portions of the upgrades,” Welch said. “This is going to be a tremendous jumpstart to the Daniel Boone portion of the work, so that, hopefully, they can have a good portion of the outside work done by the time summer starts.”The work being done at Rebecca Boone Elementary has been more preparatory, with the physical work waiting until summer so as to avoid disrupting instruction time.“At Rebecca Boone we’re doing a lot of field investigation work with our engineers and contractors,” Welch said. “We’ve identified a couple of tough spots of fitting stuff in, but we’re working through that now, as opposed to June when we need to be in there and moving full force.”The work at Warrior Ridge has been minimal, Welch said. Renovation of the entrance will be relatively quick once the summer begins.In addition, concrete has already been poured at the bus lot, where work will be completed in segments to allow for parking to still be available.

Excavating crews work to move ground for the new multipurpose gymnasium being built on the Warrenton High School property. Construction is also taking place on the exterior of Daniel Boone Elementary to prepare for a new entryway. Record photo/ Derrick Forsythe.