City approves $448,000 for sewer extension

By Adam Rollins, Record Staff Writer
Posted 5/11/17

The city of Warrenton will pay over $448,000 to extend its sanitary sewer system across Highway MM and Interstate 70 near the site of the city’s new I-70 interchange. The extension will provide …

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City approves $448,000 for sewer extension


The city of Warrenton will pay over $448,000 to extend its sanitary sewer system across Highway MM and Interstate 70 near the site of the city’s new I-70 interchange.

The extension will provide sanitary system access to an area along the interstate that city officials hope will eventually become the site of new commercial development.

The budget for the project was $610,000. The project was awarded to Kolb Grading, based in Weldon Spring. Eight companies bid on the project, with Kolb’s coming in about $14,000 less than the next lowest bid.

“Kolb Grading, LLC, is a well-known company with over 55 years of experience,” according to project engineer Jon Kremer. He said Kolb has been doing work for the St. Louis Metropolitan Sewer District for 10 years without any notable complaints.

Despite not participating in optional alternate bids that could have lowered the price of the project, Kolb still submitted the lowest bid by more than $10,000.

One of those optional alternates was to use PVC pipe instead of iron pipe, PVC being the cheaper material. Kremer said Kolb simply didn’t get a price for PVC from a supplier in time for the bid, and could still use the material to further lower the cost of the project.

City of Warrenton