Athletic facility receives approval in Warrenton

Posted 4/1/16

By Tim Schmidt Record Managing Editor An indoor/outdoor athletic training complex will be opening in Warrenton. Warrenton aldermen this month unanimously approved a site plan and conditional use …

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Athletic facility receives approval in Warrenton


Record Managing EditorAn indoor/outdoor athletic training complex will be opening in Warrenton.Warrenton aldermen this month unanimously approved a site plan and conditional use permit for the facility, to be located in the former Liz Claiborne building at the Warrenton Outlet Center.The facility is proposed by Jeremiah and Wendy Koch of K4 Fitness LLC. The couple operates K4 Fitness and Hapkido Plus at 402 Progress Parkway. They will continue to operate out of both facilities.The new athletic complex will provide training for various sports, such as baseball and soccer, and offer a place for ninja warrior training and other activities. A large majority of the inside flooring will be a turf surface.Sand volleyball courts will be constructed on the west side of the building in the spring.The Kochs also have created a nonprofit organization, Warrenton Athletic Resource, to allow underprivileged youth an opportunity to use the facility.“The entire complex will be married with a comprehensive plan and also with W.A.R. programs and be an exciting No. 1 attraction for residents to do,” Jeremiah Koch said.A public hearing was held at the start of the Dec. 15 meeting. There were no comments made.The city’s planning and zoning commission previously recommended approval at its Dec. 3 meeting.Reappointments made to city boardsAlso at the Dec. 15 meeting, several reappointments were made to various city boards.Rich Barton was appointed to a five-year term on the board of adjustment, while Scott Costello and John Deutch will serve two-year terms on the building board.Other reappointments include Rick Brueggenjohann, Gary Scott and Fred Flake to the building board for two-year terms and Rodney Haupt to the tourism commission for a three-year term.The reappointments were approved by a 5-1 vote, with Ward 2 Alderman Gary Auch casting the lone dissenting vote.In other news• Approximately 738 tickets were given out to participants who registered for the Gobble Giveaway, along with over 100 tickets for those who donated nonperishable food, City Clerk Melody Rugh told the board.The city gave away 139 prizes during the event, held during Hometown Christmas on Dec. 4. The event was originally scheduled to be held in November, but was postponed due to inclement weather. The donated food equaled approximately 650 pounds and was taken to Agape.The giveaway consisted of raffling electronic items purchased with funds from the tourism budget.• Sixty-seven percent of residents who responded to a survey said the city’s customer service quality was either exceptional or satisfactory, Director of Operations Terri Thorn reported.The remaining 33 percent said the customer service was unsatisfactory or needed improvement. The city received only 25 responses from the survey that was included in a newsletter mailed to around 2,800 residents in the fall.• A planning meeting will be held Saturday, Jan. 9, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at city hall.• An ordinance was unanimously adopted adding Martin Luther King Jr. to the list of holidays observed by the city. MLK Day is a federal holiday on the third Monday in January. City hall will be closed on Monday, Jan. 18, 2016.• A revised ordinance related to the special events promoter’s permit was passed by a 6-0 vote. The minor change allows a promoter to obtain a permit from the city for an event offering multiple booths or vendors.Warrenton